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VRITIMES Collaborates with SamarChronicle.com to Boost Press Release Distribution in Samar


VRITIMES Collaborates with SamarChronicle.com to Boost Press Release Distribution in Samar

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Manila, 26-Feb-2024, SamarChronicle.com, an emerging news publication renowned for its comprehensive coverage in Samar, has entered into a strategic partnership with VRITIMES, a Tokyo-based media technology company celebrated for its advanced press release distribution services. This collaboration aims to amplify the dissemination of press releases, significantly increasing their visibility and impact across a variety of sectors.

SamarChronicle.com, with its dedication to delivering truthful and insightful news, spans a wide array of topics including business, lifestyle, health, and sports. The partnership with VRITIMES is set to leverage this diverse content platform, ensuring that press releases reach a broader audience, thereby enhancing the public’s access to important news and announcements.

“We are delighted to partner with SamarChronicle.com, a publication that aligns with our values of truthfulness and wide-reaching news dissemination,” stated Ferry Bayu, Co-Founder / CEO of VRITIMES. “This collaboration is poised to elevate the visibility of our clients’ press releases, ensuring they resonate with a wider audience.”


VRITIMES (https://www.vritimes.com/ph/service) is a media technology startup company, established in Tokyo in August 2022. We specialize in press releases, functioning both as a media platform and a distributor to our media partners. Users can create and distribute press releases through VRITIMES, then use our analytics feature to review their results – all within one solution. By making it easy and affordable to distribute press releases, we aim to facilitate a more valuable flow of information in the world, serving as the infrastructure that ensures this information reaches the media and consumers.

Launched on December 29, 2023, SamarChronicle.com has quickly established itself as a fast-growing news outlet in Samar, offering fresh and reliable perspectives on local and national news. The publication is committed to journalistic integrity and aims to serve as a trusted news source for its readers.

This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

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